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SNC Training Registration 2022 | how to get Single National Curriculum Program(SNC)Certificate || How to Login in SNC LMS Portal

If you are looking for how to use SNC LMS Portal,how it work,how SNC LMS Activities are solved and how we can get SNC training  Certificate from  Single National Curriculum portal than you are at right place. Here we explain briefly step by step method to get Single National Curriculum Certificate,activities quiz and how to SNC training registration 2021  at SNC LMS portal.

This Article explain:

  • How to Get SNC training Certificate from Single National Curriculum LMS Portal
  • How to Create SNC LMS Account
  • How Single National curriculum(SNC) LMS Portal work
  • SNC Training Complete Procedure
  • How to get SNC Training Schedule through CNIC 
SNC Introduction:
The SNC also called Single National Curriculum Program is working for upgrade the children education medium and delivered a common skill set to educators by training them to a common plateform.Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development (QAED), Punjab is an attached entity of  School Education Department with the mandate of providing Professional Development to the  public school teachers and education managers all over Punjab. Consequent upon the launch of Single National Curriculum (SNC) across the country,  Government of the Punjab has given a mandate to QAED to accomplish a training of public and  private primary school teachers on SNC. QAED has designed a comprehensive plan for training  of all Primary School Teachers (PSTs) both from public and private sector on Single National  Curriculum (SNC) and Model Textbooks (Pre-I to V).   

SNC Training Procedure:
QAED has also rolled out the training mode for public school teacher in following two levels:

1.Interactive sessions via Microsoft Teams: 

Three days SNC orientation sessions will be given by selected Master Trainers to primary school  teachers via MS-TEAMS to each group. These meeting links will be communicated through LMS  notification system. (Teacher may access the meeting link by clicking on notification icon on  his/her LMS screen). 

·     Teacher will click on meeting link sent by Master Trainer in LMS notification.

·    Teacher will login the Microsoft Teams by using TEAMS account (cnic@qaed.edu.pk),  provided by QAED team via email.

How we can get SNC Training Certificate

2. SNC-Learning Management System:

1.After completing three days orientation on MS-TEAMS, primary school teacher will access the  LMS and complete the online course. 

2.Teachers will access the LMS (www.snc.punjab.gov.pk ) using their same SIS/HRMIS username and password. 

3.Each group will have multiple courses i.e; Group Science (Maths, Science), Group Arts  (English, Urdu, Islamiyat), Group General (General Knowledge, Social Studies and ECCE).  4.Teacher will see the available courses of his/her enrolled GROUP. 

5. Each Course will have multiple set of activities, videos, content and reflections. 

6. At the end of each course, teacher will submit monitoring feedback performa. 

7. After completion of one course, next course will be available to teacher. 

8. After completion of all courses (subjects) of particular group, a digitized certificate will  be awarded to teacher.

SNC Training schedule through CNIC No.

In SNC there are 319,740 Registered Teachers,319,740 Enrolled Teachers and 8 SNC Subjects.Enter CNIC No. to get SNC Training date,Batch number and all SNC Training details.

Input CNIC to get SNC Training Details

Single National Curriculum (SNC ) LMS Account Login

Step by  step method to Create SNC  LMS Account or to get SNC Certificate:

Step#1: Search in Google snc.punjab.gov.pk

get snc certificate 2021

step#2: Than press login option


how to login in SNC LMS Account


step#3: Input  CNIC and Password  than Press login Button.

how to login in SNC LMS Account

step#4: New dashboard will open Where your batch info will be given  and all your subject are appearing here


how to login in SNC LMS Account

step#5:  To start press any subject image Subject Over view  Every subject have total 6 Unit and every unit have different activities


how to login in SNC LMS Account
how to login in SNC LMS Account

step#6:  To open every activities click on activity it will open than complete activity sessions by  giving questions answers


 step #7:  At end of every unit a feedback form is given fill it to complete one unit



smc feedback


Green line in your subject show your progress.When you complete your all unit activity it will be 100%

check progress of snc activities


Step#8:  When all units will be  completed  a lms feedback form is provided which should be filled

lms feedback

snc lms feedback


How to Get  SNC Training  certificate

how  to get snc certificate


Step#9:  Click on team session button

team session buttonn

Step#10:  Click on add submission

Step#11:  If you attend all team session and Mark attendance


snc submission

Step#12:  Than press yes in box And press below save changes button

snc certifciate

Step#13:  If your master trainer agree that you completed their all session and all activities than you should be provided certificate

lms snc e certificate

For detail info contact on

Official helpline



for more detail watch video given below

SNC Training Plan for Public School Teachers :

SNC training plan for primary school teachers is very comprehensive and deals with big  quantum of public primary school teachers. All public primary school teachers are invited to  enroll themselves in SNC training through http://www.snc.punjab.gov.pk. The  registration/enrolment link will be available from 25th June 2021 till 5th July 2021. 

Step1: Go to the link: http://www.snc.punjab.gov.pk and select the option of “I am Public  Teacher”, Teacher will find the following screen: 

Step2: Enter your SIS/HRMIS credentials (CNIC and password). 

Step3: Enroll yourself in a Group by selecting any one option and submit. Science,Arts,General.

SNC Training Plan 2021:

Training plan with batch details will be available to all primary school teachers on SNC-LMS. All public teachers will able to see their scheduled dates, meeting links and plans  on LMS, as soon the respective MT will add plan details in LMS application.

How a Private School Teachers Join SNC Training 2021:

SNC training program is for all primary school teachers either they are public or private. All  private primary school teachers are invited to register themselves in SNC training through  http://www.snc.punjab.gov.pk.

Step1: Go to the link: http://www.snc.punjab.gov.pk and select the option of “I am Private  Teacher”,

Step 2: Complete the registration form will all details and press submit button 

Step 3: School registration number and details will be asked by System, after completing all  information, verification email. 

Step 4: Teacher will receive email and confirmation mobile message, after authentication  account will be created 

Step 5: Enroll yourself in a Group by selecting any one option

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