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What is HTML? || History of HTML || Basic structure of HTML

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Its the abbrivation of Hyper Text Markup Language.It is used to develop headings, paragraphs,sections,borders,sidebars,navigation bars,footer section and multipages .We can format and develop website easily. we can not add functionality such as popup window that is add by jave language.When we use this language we apply tags and attributes of HTML to formate our website.There are about 140 tags which are used in HTML designer,there tags and attributes sepecify different section of our webpages.This language easy to learn and simple to code for building website.

History of HTML:

HTML was invented by Tim Berners-Lee from the CERN research institute of Switzerland.He first time give the idea of internet base hypertext system.Hypertext mean a text having clickable links where viewer move to other pages.First version of HTML is published in 1991 consisting of 18tags. Later on in other versions made some modification and addition of new tags and attributes to make it more accurate.Due to HTML simplicity and easy understanding it is used as official web standard.The maintaince and specification of HTML is managed by World Wide Web Consortium(W3C).You can visit W3C website for specification and validation of your HTML code.The big upgradation take place in 2014 as HTML5 in which many new features are added such as <article> <footer>and<header>tags.


The extension of html document is .html or .htm,which is use to save the html file.The browser render the coded language and show the content on screen ,which is saved with .html or .htm extension. A website consist of many pages in are interconnected in a sequence. Each HTML consist of number of tags also called element. HTML have mostly pair elements such as tag for paragraph ,first tag is start tag and second is end tag. Some HTML tags are singuler tags such as <br> which is used to break a line.

The basic structure of HTML is following:






…………….Meta information…………


<title>…document title……</title>




<body>……….main content of document…..</body>


<footer> ……bottom content……... </footer>




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